If you’re an aspiring veterinarian, odds are you are going to see more than your fair share of injured knees over the coming years. Luxating patella, cruciate ligament rupture and torn meniscus are things you may see on a daily basis, so it’s critical that you develop a solid understanding of the anatomy of the canine knee from an early stage in your veterinary career. Without fail, anytime we demonstrate EasyAnatomy to a practicing veterinarian one of the first things they ask to see is the knee. Most vets tell us…
Alternative career options for veterinary graduates. It’s not enough that gaining acceptance to veterinary school is really hard to do. Nor is it enough that getting through vet school is probably even harder. Sadly, in our current economic climate, life doesn’t become any easier for veterinarians even after they graduate. Thankfully, there are plenty of alternative career options for veterinary graduates. The average student graduates veterinary school with significant debt. Unlike other medical professions, they don’t go on to earn the income necessary to easily overcome that debt. Frighteningly – female veterinarians,…
Learning how to get the most out of a veterinary conference can provide tremendous value to a veterinarian’s career. Veterinary conferences offer tremendous opportunities. You can gain CE credits, hear from a specific presenter, provide a presentation yourself, grow your network, learn about the latest innovations in your field, or simply gain an excuse for a trip out of town. Veterinary conferences offer plenty of value, however, without the right approach and preparation, the majority of that value can easily be missed! Based on what we’ve learned ourselves, along with what we’ve heard from…
Studying for the NAVLE? Here’s 7 Exam Tips for Keeping You On Your “A” Game For those of you preparing for the NAVLE, good luck! We know that studying veterinary medicine is challenging, there is so much to learn, so little time and very few resources. We asked veterinary students and practitioners what they did to study for the NAVLE and ace the test, and here’s what they had to say: 1) Keep Your NAVLE Studies Organized Having a plan and understanding what needs to be covered is helpful in making sure you…