Trusted by veterinary students, educators, and professionals in over 120 countries

Built for today’s veterinary students and practitioners
For Students
Students at every stage of their veterinary medicine degree benefit from EasyAnatomy’s virtual dissection and adaptive quizzes. With a focus on clinical relevance, students learn what they need to know during dissection labs, clinical studies, and procedures.
For Practitioners
Practitioners and their clients benefit from EasyAnatomy’s interactive canine model and animations of common pathologies. As the most advanced interactive 3D canine anatomy client communication tool, EasyAnatomy breaks down the communication barrier and increases client compliance.
Anatomy anytime, anywhere
The convenience you’ve been wishing for. Download EasyAnatomy on all your devices and take it with you wherever you go.

Explore Anatomy in Augmented Reality
Explore, study, and dissect virtual dog anatomy in augmented reality on iPhone and iPad with EasyAnatomy + Apple ARKit.
Virtually dissect by peeling away layers system by system, and learn how structures truly relate in their natural position.

EasyAnatomy for Educators
Built in partnership with leading international institutions, and powered by the latest research in cognitive neuroscience and learning theory. Bring EasyAnatomy to your classroom and join the distinguished educators and universities around the world already using our interactive anatomy learning platform to enhance their curriculum.
Bring EasyAnatomy to your school