When the stresses of a mounting workload, approaching exams, or overshadowing student loans start to wear you down and hinder your daily performance, try reducing the tension with these 4 simple tips to reduce stress as a veterinary student:
Tip 1: Swap that coffee for herbal tea
Caffeine induces feelings of stress, nervousness and anxiety. Herbal teas are caffeine free and filled with good vitamins and nutrients and are good for relieving stress or anxiety.
Try one (or all) of these stress relieving herbal teas.
Tip 2: Turn that Dorsal Dog, into Downward Dog
The calm breathing and meditation in yoga challenges the flight or fight response you experience because of stress.
Try some of these easy yoga poses to relieve stress.

Turn that dorsal dog, into a downward dog
Tip 3: Pamper yourself
Take a few minutes to relax and refresh your mind each day. One of the best and most comforting ways to do so is by taking a hot bath. Light a few candles and throw on a face mask to achieve optimal pamperedness. If you want to up your bath game even more try some of these DIY detox bath recipes.
Gentlemen: this is not restricted to ladies, give it a try! You might find you are pleasantly surprised (and at the very least… clean!)
Tip 4: Know that you are not alone, and talk about it
It’s an unfortunate reality that study stress is a common, and growing trend, particularly for veterinary students with your incredibly massive workloads. The silver lining here, is that you don’t need to be afraid to tell your classmates or even professors about it, because they’re either experiencing it themselves, or have been through it before. Sharing is healing!
Learn more about the prevalence of study stress, along with a few more tips for overcoming it, in this infographic courtesy of Study Medicine Europe.
Tweet: Study stress is a common, and growing trend, particularly for veterinary students with massive workloads.
EasyAnatomy saves veterinary students time, boosts studying efficiency, and makes understanding and applying anatomy easier. Being able to use it on all your devices and at any time of day unlocks increased flexibility in your daily schedule too – yet another great option for reducing vet school stress 🙂
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