Leading spatial business intelligence and 3D data visualization company LlamaZOO Interactive Inc. has announced the launch of EasyAnatomy 2020. EasyAnatomy features a medically accurate 3D canine model that students, professors, and professionals can use for learning or reference on smartphones, tablets, and portable and desktop computers.
Since 2016, EasyAnatomy has empowered students to study and learn canine anatomy from the comfort of their own homes, making it the perfect companion to COVID-19’s “new normal”. Even with access to classes and dissection labs being limited, veterinary students can still get hands-on experience with canine dissection. The clean, updated interface makes it intuitive to rotate, zoom, explore, and virtually dissect the complete and complex canine anatomy layer by layer, allowing students to learn the through clear labels and clinically focused notes and interactive quizzing through LlamaZOO’s AI algorithm based adaptive quizzing system. “There is just no other app that compares quality-wise,” says one reviewer.
With content created in collaboration with world renowned educational institutions and Anatomy and Veterinary Professors, and based from CT & MRI medical imaging, Professors can also rely on EasyAnatomy 2020 to support their lecture and lab time this Fall. EasyAnatomy provides a common base for study and reference. Capture any view at any angle to support lectures, or screenshare specific views during your remote and virtual classrooms. Students will also be tested by the adaptive AI based quizzing system, which features over 700 professionally written questions, dynamically presented to students in an engaging format to increase their mastery and confidence-based learning. Dr. Rachel Norris, Head of Animal and Veterinary Bioscience, University of Adelaide, praised EasyAnatomy as “…a way to learn and view anatomy that simply isn’t possible anywhere else.”
For professionals, EasyAnatomy 2020 becomes an essential tool to better connect and communicate with clients through clear, intuitive visuals.

“We’re always innovating in 3D technology, but with EasyAnatomy we’re also innovating in education. We’re really providing new ways to learn. EasyAnatomy 2020 makes anatomy easier to explore and understand, and in turn makes tomorrow’s vets more knowledgeable and able to save the lives of more of our furry friends and companions”, says LlamaZOO CEO and President Charles Lavigne.
EasyAnatomy is the learning tool you need for the “new normal” of 2020! Available for download with updated pricing in both the App store and the Microsoft store August 25.